Hormonal manipulation of the estrous cycle in mares

  • Christina Moss Piedmont Equine Practice, The Plains, VA, USA
  • Kristina Lu Haygard Equine Medical Institute, Lexington, KY, USA
Keywords: Mare, cyclicity, ovulation induction, synchronization, estrus suppression


Hormonal manipulation of the estrous cycle is a mainstay of clinical equine reproduction practice. Purposes of hormonal manipulation include advancement of the breeding season, induction of estrus from anestrus or vernal transition, ovulation timing, estrus synchronization, and estrus suppression. This review summarizes methods and supporting research of hormonal manipulation of the estrous cycle utilized in mares in clinical equine reproduction practice.


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How to Cite
Moss C., & Lu K. (2025). Hormonal manipulation of the estrous cycle in mares. Clinical Theriogenology, 17, 49-63. https://doi.org/10.58292/CT.v17.11651