Instructions for Authors

Manuscript must be in English (American spellings) and meet the ethic statements (publication ethics and publication malpractice) listed below. Please refer to recommendations for publication in medical journals.

Duplicate/multiple publication: Manuscripts are accepted for consideration with the understanding that they have not been published elsewhere (except in the form of a brief abstract) and are not simultaneously under review by another journal. Corresponding authors will provide a declaration to this effect for the manuscript to be considered for publication.

Originality and plagiarism: Authors must declare that the manuscript is original and any material used from other sources have been properly cited or used with permission from the copyright holder. The journal uses Crossref Similarity Check (powered by iThenticate) to screen all submissions for plagiarism before publication, but authors, researchers and freelancers can also use iThenticate to screen their work before submission by visiting

Care and use of animals: Manuscripts reporting animal studies (or, data from animal studies) must include a statement that all procedures were approved by an Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (or its equivalent in countries other than the United States). Authors are encouraged to include the approved animal use protocol number, when available.

Conflict of interest: Authors are required to disclose any conflicts of interest such as financial or personal relationships with people, organizations, or commercial interests that may influence or be perceived to influence their conclusions. Please refer to the ‘conflict of interest’ statement of International Committee of Medical Journal Editors

Author contribution: Each author’s contribution to the study and manuscript, must be declared. Only authors who made a significant contribution to the study and/or manuscript are eligible for authorship. The corresponding author must declare that all authors who made significant contributions to the study or manuscript appear as coauthors.

Declaration of author awareness and agreement: The corresponding author must declare at the time of submission, that all individuals listed as coauthors have read and approved the final version of the manuscript, and that they have agreed to the submission.

Author responsibility regarding errors: Should a significant error or omission be discovered after publication; the corresponding author accepts responsibility to promptly notify the journal editor who will determine if an erratum/corrigendum or other amendments are warranted. Learn more about the journal's Correction and Retraction policies.



• All pages are to be double-spaced
• Font: Times New Roman; size 12
• Left justified
• 1” margins at the top, bottom, and sides of each page
• All pages (including the title page) are to be numbered consecutively
• All lines of manuscript should be numbered consecutively
• Title: Should be self-explanatory. Bold font, centered, only first word and proper nouns uppercase, remainder lower case, e.g.

Hydroallantois and prepubic tendon rupture in a Standardbred mare

Authors: Use only first name and last name; separated by comma; departmental or institutional affiliation denoted by superscript letter; superscript placed after punctuation; centered below title; do not include degrees or specialty board certification, e.g.

Madonna Morrison,a Bradley Back,a Trenton McClure,a Paul Hanna,a
Claire Card,b Mariana Amorima

Institutional affiliation:
Department, College, University, City, State abbreviation, Country; do not include other information such as street address, zip (postal) code, etc., e.g.

aAtlantic Veterinary College, University of Prince Edward Island
Charlottown, PE, Canada,
bWestern College of Veterinary Medicine
University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK, Canada

Abstract: Abstract should capture the essence of paper and should be limited to 250 words or fewer.

Keywords: ‘Keywords’ (1 word) typed in bold font followed by a colon up to 6 keywords separated by commas. Note: only first keyword’s first letter is in capital, e.g.

Keywords: Equine, mucociliary, endoscopy, cervix, carbon

Text: Leave a space below Keywords and start the text and divide it into traditional sections of a manuscript, namely, introduction, headings, subheadings, and conclusion. Indent the first line of each paragraph by 0.5 inches; single spaced; do not leave extra space between paragraphs. Leave a space before and after headings and subheadings.

Abbreviations: Do not use abbreviations in title or in abstract or in keywords or at beginning of a sentence. Abbreviations other than standard units of measurement should not be used excessively but if necessary, abbreviation must be defined at its first use in the text.

Citations: Only most pertinent papers should be cited. References should be cited in consecutive order when first mentioned in text, designated by a superscript number placed after all punctuation marks with no space, e.g.:

Hydroallantois in mares is a rare and life-threatening condition,1,2 which may lead to abdominal wall disease.2,3

If 3 or more references are cited, use a hyphen between the first and last one, do not list the mall, e.g.:

Blood pressure rises when linea alba is incised and as ovaries are manipulated in healthy bitches undergoing OHE.15-17

Authors are responsible for ensuring the accuracy of all citations listed; citations must be verified against original publications. Authors need to cross check citations in text and references to ensure that all papers cited are included in the references and vice versa.

Units of measurement: Measurements should be listed in international system of units.

Tables: Data can be summarized in well-designed tables prepared with table function of Microsoft Word. Each table should be with legend typed above table. Tables are numbered consecutively (Table 1, Table 2, etc.) as they appear in the text and if only 1 table is used do not give a number. Bold the word ‘Table’ in title of table. 

Numerals: Write out numbers if they appear as the first word in a sentence.

Figures: To facilitate the review process, the submission should include all the tables, figures, captions and supplementary material within the same Word document as the main text. Smaller file sizes for figures are preferable because this will help keep the document from becoming unwieldy. (If authors are concerned that the low-resolution versions of their figures that are included in the main Word document will be hard for reviewers to decipher, then authors should note this in their cover letters and/or in their figure captions and, during submission, they may upload higher-resolution or vector-based versions of their figures as individual files.) If the manuscript is accepted, high-resolution versions of the graphics may be requested for editing and publishing. 

In the manuscript, figures and tables should be referred to in the order in which they are numbered. If only one figure is used, do not give a number. 

Sources and manufacturers: Only generic names of drugs, chemicals, test kits, and equipment should be used in text followed in parentheses by tradename, supplier’s name, and supplier’s address (city, state [country if not in the United States]). For example: Cow was treated intramuscularly with 100 μg gonadorelin hydrochloride (Factrel®, Fort Dodge Animal Health, Ft. Dodge, IA). Subsequent citation(s) of the company need not have city and state.

Acknowledgement: Persons who make substantial contributions to content of the article but who do not qualify as authors should be acknowledged.

Funding: State the source of funding.




Authors: List only first 3 authors, if more than 3, then use et al. Use only last name of authors first, then initials, no periods after initials or spaces between initials, comma between authors’ initials, colon (:) after last author initials or after et al, e.g.

Clark SG:
Zwida KH, Kutzler MA:
Roberts JN, Grooms DL, Thompson ER, et al:

Titles: Titles of journals are to be abbreviated in the style of Index Medicus ( in accordance with the National Library of Medicine ( Titles are not italicized. Titles with 1 word such as Theriogenology are not abbreviated. Title Clinical Theriogenology is not abbreviated. Unpublished observations and personal communications should not be used as references. Articles listed as ‘in press’ must have been accepted for publication.

Journal titles are in normal font, not in italics, 1 space between journal title and year of publication.

Year of Publication: Year of journal publication is followed by a semicolon (;), no space after year or after semicolon.

Volume Number: Volume number of the journal follows the semicolon, no space and is followed by a colon, issue numbers, months, etc. are not included.

Page Numbers: The inclusive page numbers are listed; if only the first page is listed, it gives the appearance that the work cited is an abstract. Use the shorter hyphen (-) between the first and last pages. A period follows the last page number (no abbreviation of last page), e.g.

DOI Numbers: Where available, include the DOI number at the end of each reference.

Journal article (single author)

Odde KG: A review of synchronization of estrus in postpartum cattle. J Anim Sci 1990;68:817-830. doi: 10.2527/1990.683817x

Journal article (more than 3 authors)

Martinez MF, Adams GP, Kastelic JP, et al: Induction of follicular wave emergence for estrus synchronization and artificial insemination in heifers. Theriogenology 2000;54:757-769. doi: 10.1016/s0093-691x(00)00388-5

Book (single editor)

Krekeler N, Hollinshead F: Pyometra. In: Monnet E: editor. Small Animal Soft Tissue Surgery.1st edition, Hoboken; Wiley-Blackwell: 2013. p. 625-634.

Book (more than 3 editors)

McKinnon AO, McCue PM: Induction of ovulation. In: McKinnon AO, Squires EL, Vaala WE, et al: editors. Equine Reproduction. 2nd edition, Ames; Wiley-Blackwell: 2011. p. 1858-1869.


Kenny RM, Bergman RV, Cooper WL, et al: Minimal contamination techniques for breeding mares: techniques and preliminary findings. Proc Am Assoc Equine Pract 1975; p. 327-336.

Outline for Case Report

Please refer below for an example.

Title of Case
Authors of case: Only use first and last names of each author and institutional affiliation
Do not list academic degrees or specialty board certification
Abstract: Up to 150 words summarizing case presentation and outcome
Background: Why is this case important?
Do not describe the case here but provide information from literature and ‘make a case for your case’

Case Presentation: Presenting features, pertinent medical history, and herd history, if applicable
Differential Diagnosis, if relevant
Discussion: Include a brief review of similar published cases; how many other similar cases reported?
Learning points: Three to 5 bullet points
References: Similar to research report (refer manuscript preparation)
Figure/photo captions, if any

Submitted manuscripts will be initially reviewed by the editor and please note that they will be returned to the corresponding author, if requirements are not met. Authors are asked to provide names and contact information (email ID) of 5 potential reviewers. Reviewers will not know the author suggested them. Make sure that your suggestions are not current or recent colleagues of you or your co-authors.

Manuscripts will be reviewed at least by 2 reviewers and are published in the order they pass peer review process.