Infertility caused by oophoritis in a dog resolved by hemiovariectomy

  • Amber Nebel-Karp Animal Hospital of East Davie, Advance, NC, USA
  • David Mahoney South Mountain Pet Care & Canine Reproduction, Sandy, UT, USA
  • Michael Whitacre Department of Clinical Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, USA
  • Beth Bauer Carolina Ranch Animal Hospital & Resort, Garner, NC, USA
  • Sara Lyle Department of Clinical Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, USA
Keywords: Canine oophoritis, infertility, ovarian nodule, hemiovariectomy


Canine oophoritis is a rare ovarian pathology that has been reported to cause infertility. However, diagnostic work-up, treatment options, and prognosis of return to fertility after treatment for oophoritis were not reported. We report oophoritis in a dog that was diagnosed via histopathology after hemiovariectomy; diagnostic tests, treatment, and outcome of fertility are included and compared to other domestic species and women. Additionally, pathophysiology and prognostic outcome of oophoritis in women are discussed in the context of future directions and possible avenues of investigation in canine oophoritis.


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How to Cite
Nebel-Karp A., Mahoney D., Whitacre M., Bauer B., & Lyle S. (2025). Infertility caused by oophoritis in a dog resolved by hemiovariectomy. Clinical Theriogenology, 17.
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