Twenty year trends of bull breeding soundness examimations at a teaching hospital

  • Robert Carson
  • Jennifer Koziol
  • James Wenzel
  • Chance Armstrong
  • Jason Edmondson
  • Herris Maxwell


The origin of the Society for Theriogenology has its roots in breeding soundness examination (BSE) of bulls as the western blizzard of 1954 lead to the evaluation of bulls by the founders of the Society. Today bull BSEs are still one of the more common procedures performed by food animal veterinarians. Bull BSEs are one of the most economically strategic procedures required in natural service cattle herds. In well-managed herds with short breeding and calving seasons bull BSEs are vital to their productivity and economic success. Since bull BSEs are such an important part of the food animal industry it remains extremely important to teach proper techniques to future food animal veterinarians as well as provide a service for local clientele.


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How to Cite
Carson R., Koziol J., Wenzel J., Armstrong C., Edmondson J., & Maxwell H. (2014). Twenty year trends of bull breeding soundness examimations at a teaching hospital. Clinical Theriogenology, 6(4), 495-501.