Surface Architectural Anatomy Of The Penile And Preputial Epithelium Of Bulls

  • Lew Strickland
  • Misty Edmondson
  • Herris Maxwell
  • Joseph Newton
  • James Wright
  • Soren Rodning
  • Robert Carson
  • Dwight Wolfe
Keywords: Penile epithelium, preputial epithelium, crypt, epithelial fold, beef bulls


Microscopic examinations of epithelial tissues are valuable methods to evaluate surface and histologic architecture. The objectives of this study were to determine: 1) the changes in the thickness of the surface epithelium of the penis and prepuce, 2) the size of epithelial folds, 3) the location and distribution of epithelial folds in the surface epithelium, and 4) examination for the presence of crypts on the penis and prepuce of two groups of beef bulls (Bos taurus and Bos indicus ). Bulls two years of age and bulls >5 years of age were selected. Neither the area encompassed by epithelial folds (p < 0.05) nor the number of epithelial folds (p < 0.05) differed between age groups based upon Image J analysis of penile and preputial epithelium.


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How to Cite
Strickland L., Edmondson M., Maxwell H., Newton J., Wright J., Rodning S., Carson R., & Wolfe D. (2014). Surface Architectural Anatomy Of The Penile And Preputial Epithelium Of Bulls. Clinical Theriogenology, 6(4), 445-451.