Diagnosis And Clinical Management Of A Spontaneous Pre-Partum Uterine Rupture In An Angus Heifer Carrying Twins

  • P.E. Phillips
  • P.J. Plummer
  • A.C. Krull
  • T.A. Dohlman
  • A.J. Kreuder
Keywords: Uterine rupture, twinning, ultrasound, abdominocentesis, cesarean section


A two year-old, nulliparous Angus heifer was presented because of reduced appetite, bloat and lethargy of one day duration. The heifer was estimated to be 7.5 months pregnant. Physical examination, trans-abdominal ultrasound, blood chemistry analysis, complete blood count and abdominocentesis were performed to identify the possible cause. Based on lack of response to therapy, changes in uterine tone on palpation per rectum, abdominal fluid cytology and trans-abdominal ultrasound, uterine rupture was suspected and an abdominal exploratory laparotomy was performed. An extra-utero, deceased calf was identified along with a second deceased calf partially within the uterus. Exteriorization of the right uterine horn revealed an approximately 40 cm rent extending from the utero-tubal junction to the body of the uterus, which was surgically repaired. Pre- and post-operative medical therapy included intravenous fluids, antibiotics, and anti-inflammatories. Subsequent follow-up revealed that the cow had resumed normal estrous cycles and is being used as an embryo donor.


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How to Cite
Phillips P., Plummer P., Krull A., Dohlman T., & Kreuder A. (2015). Diagnosis And Clinical Management Of A Spontaneous Pre-Partum Uterine Rupture In An Angus Heifer Carrying Twins. Clinical Theriogenology, 7(2), 109-114. Retrieved from https://clinicaltheriogenology.net/index.php/CT/article/view/10097