Neoplastic considerations for spaying and neutering dogs

  • Evan Sones Animal Cancer Care Clinic, Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Keywords: Spay, neuter, neoplasia, cancer


Neutering of companion animals is common practice in the United States and many other parts of the world. There is growing concern that the uniform recommendation of neutering is detrimental to the pet population by affecting normal functions of other body systems. This may predispose these animals to disease, including, but not limited to, neoplastic conditions. Although the mechanisms of these changes are largely unknown, there is a growing number of studies showing a correlation between cancer and neuter status. A review of these articles, as provided here, can be beneficial to inform practitioners, enabling a more thorough discussion of spay and neuter with their clients.


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How to Cite
Sones E. (2019). Neoplastic considerations for spaying and neutering dogs. Clinical Theriogenology, 11(3), 239-242.
Small Animal Session