How to perform neurological examination in a neonatal foal

  • Monica Aleman Department of Medicine and Epidemiology, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of California, Davis, CA
Keywords: Foal, neonate, neurology, neurodevelopment, reflexes


Neurological examination on a neonatal foal is performed concurrently with the physical examination. First step in examination is observation. Neurological examination consists of evaluation of behavior, state of consciousness, cranial nerve function, posture (head, neck, trunk, limbs, and tail) and postural reactions (limbs), segmental (spinal) reflexes, palpation, and gait evaluation. To assess most segmental reflexes, the foal must be in lateral recumbency and relaxed. Key points include safety, observation and palpation, knowing normal, including development of important milestones, and (if possible) conducting serial examinations over time.


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How to Cite
Aleman M. (2022). How to perform neurological examination in a neonatal foal. Clinical Theriogenology, 14(3), 240-242.