Reproductive surgeries: why necessary and what to perform for specific problems

  • Justin McNaughten Hanover Shoe Farms, Inc., Hanover, PA
Keywords: Reproductive surgery, pregnancy, uterus, mare, infertility


In mares, causes of infertility and subfertility are often multifactorial. Numerous congenital, pathological, and neoplastic conditions affecting the reproductive tract have been associated with decreased fertility. Despite a clinician’s best attempt to resolve or improve fertility through medical management, incorporation of an appropriate surgical technique is often indicated. Reproductive surgeries are often necessary to address underlying anatomical abnormalities or eliminate pathological conditions negatively affecting mare fertility. The main goal of any reproductive surgery should be to improve, restore, or protect a mare’s future fertility. This review will focus on the importance of surgical intervention in the chronically infertile mare.


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How to Cite
McNaughten J. (2021). Reproductive surgeries: why necessary and what to perform for specific problems. Clinical Theriogenology, 13(3), 272-279.