Overview of educational research in theriogenology

  • Margaret Root Kustritz Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences, University of Minnesota College of Veterinary Medicine, St. Paul, MN, USA
  • Andre Nault University of Minnesota Libraries, University of Minnesota College of Veterinary Medicine, St. Paul, MN, USA
Keywords: Educational research, theriogenology, search string, cabicode


A review of the literature identified 59 studies specific to educational research in theriogenology. Provision of this comprehensive list of educational research in theriogenology will provide a resource for educators and encourage collaboration within the American College of Theriogenologists and Society for Theriogenology.


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1. Root Kustritz MV, Nault A: Measuring productivity and impact of veterinary education-related research at the institutional and individual levels using the H-index. J Vet Med Educ 2020;47:414–420. doi: 10.3138/jvme.0618-072r1

2. Mier Y Teran C, Galina CS, Russell: who is publishing in Theriogenology and on what subjects? Theriogenology 1994;42:727–737. doi: 10.1016/0093-691X(94)90441-K

3. Baillie S, Hunt JA, Ruohoniemi M, et al: Academics’ experiences in veterinary educational research: results of an international survey. J Vet Med Educ 2021;49:650–661. doi: 10.3138/jvme-2021-0079

4. Fogelberg K, Hunt J, Baillie S: Young and evolving: a narrative of veterinary educational research from early leaders. Educ Health Prof 2022;4:124–133. doi: 10.4103/EHP.EHP_22_21
How to Cite
Root Kustritz M., & Nault A. (2023). Overview of educational research in theriogenology. Clinical Theriogenology, 15, 64-68. https://doi.org/10.58292/ct.v15.9598