Immunomodulator use in mares

  • Carleigh Fedorka
  • Mats Troedsson
Keywords: Immunomodulators, persistent breeding-induced endometritis, placentitis


A delicate balance exists between the immune system and the female reproductive tract, modulating numerous aspects of reproductive
health. This includes, but is not limited to, ovulation, breeding-induced uterine inflammation, fertilization, pregnancy maintenance,
response to placental infection, and postpartum involution. Additionally, stimulation of innate and adaptive immune systems can assist
in clearing pathogens from the reproductive tract, thereby diminishing inflammation and/or infection that may inhibit reproductive
health. In this review, the mechanisms through which the immune system modulates reproductive tract will be elucidated and critically
evaluated immunomodulators will be discussed.


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How to Cite
Fedorka C., & Troedsson M. (2021). Immunomodulator use in mares. Clinical Theriogenology, 13(3), 238-246.