David E. Bartlett award for lifetime achievement in theriogenology

  • Terry Blanchard Department of Large Animal Clinical Sciences College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences Texas A&M University, College Station, TX


I wish to thank the American College of Theriogenologists, Society for Theriogenology, and Theriogenology Foundation for bestowing this award on me. As I remember, this award was originated to honor our forefathers responsible for creating our specialty college. The members that founded the Rocky Mountain Society for the Study of Breeding Soundness comprised most of this group. Their vision and perseverance are legendary to our members. They set the bar high. As such, I can't help but feel that my professional career doesn't approach this standard.


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How to Cite
Blanchard T. (1). David E. Bartlett award for lifetime achievement in theriogenology. Clinical Theriogenology, 12(3), 168. Retrieved from https://clinicaltheriogenology.net/index.php/CT/article/view/9224