A case of unilateral hydrocele in a dog secondary to inapparent inguinal hernia
A 6-year, male intact Coonhound, was presented for unilateral scrotal enlargement of roughly 3 months’ duration. His left side scrotum was markedly enlarged and edematous and both testes palpated normal. Rapid slide agglutination test (for brucellosis) and SNAP 4DX (IDEXX Laboratories, Inc., Westbrook, ME) test (for tick-borne disease) were negative. Initial scrotal ultrasonography revealed accumulation of anechoic fluid with hyperechoic flecks and swirling surrounding the left testis. On further ultrasonographic examination, omentum appeared extending through the left inguinal ring and into the scrotum. A case of scrotal hernia with secondary hydrocele was diagnosed. Hydrocele was resolved surgically and the dog returned to full athletic function.
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