Pathology of male reproductive organs

  • Robert A. Foster Department of Pathobiology, Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada
Keywords: Male, reproductive, pathology


Diseases and conditions of the male reproductive system are traditionally approached from the perspective of anatomical location, beginning with the scrotal contents, at the site of production of spermatozoa, and ending with the penis and prepuce. This parallels a problems based approach as diseases tend to involve the scrotum and contents, the accessory genital glands and/or the penis and prepuce. If you are interested in one particular species only, the information for other species is still relevant because a disease in one is usually identical to that in another! The Veterinary Reproductive Pathology website ( provides additional information for the dog and cat, as do recently updated pathology textbooks.1,2 The Nomina Anatomica Veterinaria3 (NAV), which establishes the names in anatomy, lists names of reproductive structures. Some differ from commonly used terms. The latest texts in reproductive pathology use the NAV terminology and this overview will use the English version of the Latin name.


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How to Cite
Foster R. A. (2010). Pathology of male reproductive organs. Clinical Theriogenology, 2(4), 531-544.