Overview of canine artificial insemination for the breeder

  • Harmon Rogers Veterinary Teaching Hospital, Washington State University, Pullman, WA
Keywords: Artificial insemination, canine


Insemination is the introduction of semen into the reproductive tract of a female. In mammals natural insemination follows copulation. Artificial insemination (AI) is insemination by other means. The first successful artificial insemination reported in any species was performed for a bitch in Italy in 1784. Today AI is essential in animal agriculture. It is critical for efforts to prevent species extinction, and it now is performed commonly in the pure bred dog fancy. This is an overview of items of importance when AI is considered.


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How to Cite
Rogers H. (2010). Overview of canine artificial insemination for the breeder. Clinical Theriogenology, 2(4), 497-499. https://doi.org/10.58292/CT.v2.11325