Alternative assessment tools

  • Margaret V. Root Kustritz University of Minnesota, College of Veterinary Medicine, St. Paul, MN
Keywords: Veterinary education, assessment, multiple choice questions


Assessment is an essential component of teaching. Assessment may be formative, helping students identify gaps in their understanding and building competence, or may be summative, permitting a final evaluation of competence for assignment of a grade or to permit students to advance in a program or career. Assessment methods must accurately reflect the learning objectives and activities that preceded their implementation, must be a true test of student learning rather than an exercise in test-taking skills or ability to ascertain what the instructor considers most important, and must permit the instructor to provide consistent and timely feedback.


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How to Cite
Root Kustritz M. V. (2010). Alternative assessment tools. Clinical Theriogenology, 2(4), 473-476.