Atypical spontaneous lymphoma affecting the testicles and nasal cavity of a one-year-old bull

  • Jennifer H. Koziol College of Veterinary Medicine, Auburn University, Auburn, AL
  • Esther G. Martinez Romero College of Veterinary Medicine, Auburn University, Auburn, AL
  • Jennifer W. Koehler College of Veterinary Medicine, Auburn University, Auburn, AL
  • Dwight F. Wolfe
  • Herris S. Maxwell
Keywords: Atypical lymphoma, testicular lymphoma, nasal lymphoma, spontaneous lymphoma


A one-year-old bull was presented to the J. T. Vaughan Large Animal Center at Auburn University with a six-week history of mucopurulent discharge from both nares. The owner reported that the bull had increased stridor of the last several weeks that did not respond to systemic antibiotics. On physical examination the bull had stenotic nares due to bilateral masses reducing the diameter of the nasal cavities. The bull’s scrotum was enlarged due to enlargement of both testes, with a scrotal circumference of 53 centimeters. On palpation the testicles were firm with adhesions within the vaginal cavity. The heads of the epididymides were more firm than normal. Due to the poor prognosis for future fertility and the ongoing respiratory distress the bull was euthanized and submitted for necropsy. At necropsy, multiple masses were present in the nasal passages, testes, epididymis, and haired skin. Histopathological examination of sections supported a diagnosis of sporadic multicentric bovine lymphoma.


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How to Cite
Koziol J. H., Martinez Romero E. G., Koehler J. W., Wolfe D. F., & Maxwell H. S. (2016). Atypical spontaneous lymphoma affecting the testicles and nasal cavity of a one-year-old bull. Clinical Theriogenology, 8(1), 49-53.