Management of a large uterine cyst protruding through the cervix of a mare

  • Jason Grady
  • Kelli Almes
  • Warren Beard
Keywords: Lymphatic cyst, cervix, endometrial cyst, endometrium


A 17-year-old, multiparous, American Quarter Horse mare was presented for breeding 7 days after foaling. Transrectal ultrasonography revealed multiple endometrial lymphatic cysts; 2 at the base of the left uterine horn and 1 in the caudal uterine body that extended into the cervical lumen (the latter was surgically removed). The mare was artificially inseminated on the subsequent estrous cycle, confirmed in foal 30 days after ovulation and delivered a viable foal without complications 350 days after ovulation.


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How to Cite
Grady J., Almes K., & Beard W. (2019). Management of a large uterine cyst protruding through the cervix of a mare. Clinical Theriogenology, 11(2), 149-153.