Update On Antimicrobial Therapy In Mare Reproduction

  • Kristina G. Lu
Keywords: Antibiotics, antifungals, chelators, endometritis, placentitis


Bacterial uterine infections are associated with significant time and monetary loss in the equine breeding industry. The incidence of identified bacterial uterine infection is estimated at 25 to 60% of barren mares.1 Treatment and resolution of mare urogenital infection involves a holistic approach which must include consideration of the systemic health of the mare, correction of urogenital anatomic defects, enhancement of uterine clearance in non-pregnant mares, identification of specific infections, and appropriate antimicrobial selection and administration. The following is a brief review of antimicrobial properties and classes, and discussion regarding antimicrobial selection for use in specific mare reproductive disease states. Excellent additional resources are available.2 In this age of increasing bacterial and fungal antimicrobial resistance and heightened awareness of antimicrobial use in animals, judicious and wise employment of antimicrobials should be emphasized.


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How to Cite
Lu K. G. (2013). Update On Antimicrobial Therapy In Mare Reproduction. Clinical Theriogenology, 5(4), 503-515. Retrieved from https://clinicaltheriogenology.net/index.php/CT/article/view/10123