Embryo Transfer And Pregnancy Diagnosis

  • Misty A. Edmondson
Keywords: Embryo transfer, pregnancy diagnosis, gender determination, doe


Embryo transfer (ET) is a very effective technique for quickly improving the genetics. While the application of this technology is extensive in the cattle industry, it is a growing technology for small ruminants with considerable progress being made with regard to estrus synchronization and superovulation. Early pregnancy diagnosis and determination of fetal number are of significant value in goat reproductive herd health management. The value of pregnancy determination is in the identification of non-productive females and does bearing multiple fetuses.


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How to Cite
Edmondson M. A. (2013). Embryo Transfer And Pregnancy Diagnosis. Clinical Theriogenology, 5(4), 483-488. Retrieved from https://clinicaltheriogenology.net/index.php/CT/article/view/10118

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