Case Report Of Two Bitches With Second Degree Perineal Laceration

  • H.N. Pipe-Martin
  • P. Thomas
Keywords: Perineal laceration, second degree, treatment, antibiotics


This report describes the history, presenting clinical signs and treatment of two bitches that presented with perineal laceration associated with whelping. Both bitches were multiparous and had unassisted deliveries. Second degree perineal laceration was diagnosed on examination. One bitch was treated with primary intention closure, the other with second intention closure. Both bitches received prophylactic antibiotics and healed well. The bitch that was treated with second intention healing developed a vestibule stricture. The future breeding potential of both bitches had not been established at this time.


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How to Cite
Pipe-Martin H., & Thomas P. (2013). Case Report Of Two Bitches With Second Degree Perineal Laceration. Clinical Theriogenology, 5(1), 57-62. Retrieved from
Case Reports