Technique Report
Julie Cecere, Nicole Sugai
Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences, Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine, Blacksburg, VA, USA
Advanced reproductive techniques for dogs have become commonplace in general practice during last decade. Most procedures performed in these practices are based on what is known for semen processing and shipping in the equine industry. This presentation reviews current literature of what is known on canine semen processing and attempts to standardize techniques to maximize their successful use in clinical settings.
Keywords: Canine, chilled semen, processing, shipping, veterinarian role
Citation line: Clinical Theriogenology 2023, 15, 10227,
Copyright: © 2023 The Author(s). This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (, permitting all non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Published: 28 December 2023
CONTACT Julie Cecere
*Presented at the 2023 Society for Theriogenology conference, published after peer review.
Competing interests and funding: Authors report no conflict of interest.
Nicole Sugai’s theriogenology residency program is funded by the American Kennel Club/Canine Health Foundation/Theriogenology Foundation grant.
Over the last decade, advanced reproductive techniques (ART) have blossomed in multiple species, especially in equine and canine patients. The shipping of gametes throughout the world aids in diversifying genetic pools and overcoming geographical or time-related challenges. Specifically for dogs, semen processing after collection has become commonplace in both general and reproductive practices. However, techniques that are used and the process by which semen is handled and shipped is not standardized. Due to the uniqueness of the canine reproductive cycle and the distinct disadvantage of resistance to in vitro manipulation, fertility related to semen processing or shipping are difficult to predict.1 Many practitioners are using techniques from equine semen processing and shipment and applying those concepts to canine semen. Current research areas of canine ART are numerous and geared toward minimizing the knowledge gap between canine and equine semen processing and handling in order to assure better fertility outcomes.
Semen evaluation is still the primary step of any semen processing. Using semen from animals that have not had semen evaluation can lead to missed pregnancies due to poor concentration, motility, viability, or morphologic defects. Semen that is frozen without a full evaluation may lead to future genetic losses due to unproductive frozen-thawed semen used for breeding. Over the past several years, there have been presentations and publications related to canine semen evaluation and also in the context of infertile or subfertile male dogs.2-4 Referring to those resources will be helpful to practitioners conducting canine andrology work and details will not be discussed.
A dog that is collected for the purpose of a current or future breeding, shipping, or frozen semen should have a full semen evaluation. A single evaluation parameter is not accurate in predicting the performance of a stud dog.5 In the event that semen from the dog is shipped or frozen, the semen should be evaluated in the same manner after shipping or thawing to document the performance of that individual collection. These evaluation(s) should include the following:
Canine andrology work is currently in its infancy compared to what is known for other species. Specifically, the equine and porcine industries use chilled semen commonly in routine breeding management, so dog breeders have some ‘catching up’ to do. There are several experiments that have been performed over the past 15–20 years that shed some light on what is known and that can be implemented in practices to use chilled semen as a routine technique in routine breeding management.
Currently, what is used as a standard for semen evaluation, centrifugation, processing, and dilution for shipping is based on what is known from stallions and a handful of studies in dogs. Due to the size disparity in both the animal and testicular volume between stallions and dogs, andrology research about processing and shipment is difficult in dogs due to their smaller size and semen volume. Most studies that have evaluated canine semen for centrifugation, processing, chilling, or freezing have used pooled samples. This is an astute way to maneuver around small volumes from each individual dog collected; however, has the weakness of making it impossible to measure the effect of the experimental parameter on an individual dog.6 This must be kept in mind when discussing papers moving forward.
Stallions produce large volumes of ejaculate and sperm (20–160 ml and 0.08–0.35 x 109/ml) in a collection.9 This lends itself to splitting a single ejaculate and using that ejaculate for multiple breeding doses. There are also many advances related to reducing the number of nonmotile or abnormal sperm during processing, so only superior sperm are contained within the shipment, such as cushions, filters, or sperm washing, to name a few.9 Currently these technologies can be used in canine collections for the same reason, but they have several disadvantages:
Currently, equine semen is processed in the following manner:9
Many decades of research have gone into optimizing the conditions in which stallions are collected, the semen processed, and then chilled for shipping or short-term storage. These studies are ongoing and constantly changing. In contrast, canine studies evaluating different parameters of semen collection and processing have been limited. Centrifugation speeds and amounts of seminal plasma have been represented.12–14 More recently, studies compared individual performance of canine semen, rather than pooled samples. These results will possibly shed light on the future of canine semen shipping. Centrifugation speeds have varied for canine semen processing; however, for pooled samples and fertile individuals 400–900 g for 5–10 minutes is adequate for sperm recovery rate, minimized sperm damage, and viability at 24 hours after cooling with standard procedures.15 An ongoing study is determining the optimal concentration that canine semen requires for cooled shipping. Higher concentration(s) (compared to equine semen) is necessary during cooling. Dilution and cooling at 100–200 x 106/ml rather than 25–50 x 106/ml had significant effects on the 24 hour evaluations.16 The current recommendations for canine semen processing in practice based on these studies and others are as follows:
Further studies are needed to optimize the extender types or additives, practical semen filtration procedures, and optimization of in vivo fertility parameters.
Those breeders that are bypassing semen collection, evaluation, and processing for shipment at a veterinary clinic may be placing their dogs at risk for missed pregnancies or reduced litter sizes without warning. Failure to detect changes in their stud dog’s systemic status that may affect semen quality and/or concentration, poor performance with certain types of extenders or lack of formal processing prior to shipping may negatively affect a planned breeding or kennel’s breeding plan. Discussing the importance of the following with clients is key to achieving success with stud dog management:
The main mission of reproductive veterinarians is to help clients achieve their goals for their breeding programs while educating them on the current, best practices necessary to accomplish those goals. To achieve the results that a breeder wants from their stud dog(s) program, it is necessary to ensure that proper collection and evaluation techniques are used every time. This allows for real time adjustments to occur and to prevent any unwanted or surprising outcomes. Test shipments for any stud dog that is offering chilled semen as a method of breeding should be performed. Collection, evaluation, and processing of the semen occurs in a standard format, then the collection is divided between different extenders, at an appropriate dilution, packaged for shipment and evaluated at 24–72 hours. If adequate performance is not achieved with standard processing technique, altering centrifugation speed, final concentration, or seminal plasma concentration can be adjusted until either the animal is deemed inappropriate for chilled semen shipment or the adjustment(s) result in acceptable quality after the test shipment is concluded. This allows for optimization of semen processing parameters (centrifugation speeds and time, appropriate concentration and preferred semen extender for each individual) and performance metrics when the shipment arrives at its intended destination. It also allows the breeder some evidence that due diligence occurred as steps were performed to ensure the best quality product was provided to the female dog owner.
Extension and outreach to local clubs is essential. Education and current literature dissemination is extremely helpful to breeders, and aids in preventing the dissemination of ‘breeder lore.’ These types of events reach a large cohort of breeders and ensure that they are receiving correct information that is science based. They may also boost client numbers for clinics, so it is a ‘win’ for both veterinarian and breeder.
It is important to support research that is ongoing for canine reproductive studies. Referrals to programs conducting research are essential for the growth of the knowledge base, which will translate into real time positive change in the field of canine reproduction. Practitioners should start conversations with universities on things that are wanted or needed and discuss if a study is necessary or feasible. Many private practices can perform or assist in studies without having to refer the animal to a different facility. Also request continuing education in the form of wet labs or didactic instruction to learn new techniques or refresh on things that are not often performed or that are additions to services that a practice offers.
Canine semen processing standards are rapidly changing as scientific data highlight best practices. As animals are continued to be bred globally, with exchange of genetic material over vast distances and generations, it is important to continue to research and adjust to current trends in semen processing. Discussing these trends often with breeders and their clubs will assure that the veterinary and breeding communities are maximizing their breeding potential over large distances.
1. | De los Reyes M, Songsasen N: New insights in canine reproduction. Animals (Basel) 2021;11:2021. doi: 10.3390/ani11072021. |
2. | Randall J: “This stud’sa dud!”-Canine semen evaluation protocols and pitfalls. Clinical Theriogenology 2020;12:204–209. |
3. | Randall J: “Boys in a box”-chilled and frozen canine semen shipments. Clinical Theriogenology 2020;12:210–214. |
4. | Kolster KA: Evaluation of canine sperm and management of semen disorders. Vet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract 2018;48:533–545. doi: 10.1016/j.cvsm.2018.02.003 |
5. | Hesser A, Darr C, Gonzales K, et al: Semen evaluation and fertility assessment in a purebred dog breeding facility. Theriogenology 2017;87:115–123. doi: 10.1016/j.theriogenology.2016.08.012 |
6. | Arlt SP, Reichler IM, Herbel J, et al: Diagnostic tests in canine andrology-What do they really tell us about fertility? Theriogenology 2023;196:150–156. doi: 10.1016/j.theriogenology.2022.11.008 |
7. | Karger S, Geiser B, Grau M, et al: Prognostic value of a pre-freeze hypo-osmotic swelling test on the post-thaw quality of dog semen. Anim Reprod Sci 2016;166:141–147. doi: 10.1016/j.anireprosci.2016.01.015 |
8. | Hernández-Avilés C, Ramírez-Agámez L, Pearson M, et al: A matter of agreement: The effect of the technique and evaluator on the analysis of morphologic defects in stallion sperm. Theriogenology 2023;202:74–83. doi: 10.1016/j.theriogenology.2023.02.025 |
9. | Wiebke M, Hensel B, Nitsche-Melkus E, et al: Cooled storage of semen from livestock animals (part I): Boar, bull, and stallion. Anim Reprod Sci 2022;246:106822. doi: 10.1016/j.anireprosci.2021.106822 |
10. | Ferrer M, Canisso I, Ellerbrock R, et al: Optimization of cryopreservation protocols for cooled-transported stallion semen. Anim Reprod Sci 2020;221:106581. doi: 10.1016/j.anireprosci.2020.106581 |
11. | Len J, Beehan D, Eilts B, et al: Stallion sperm integrity after centrifugation to reduce seminal plasma concentration and cool storage for 4 days. J Equine Vet Sci 2020;85:102819. doi: 10.1016/j.jevs.2019.102819 |
12. | England G, Allen W: Factors affecting the viability of canine spermatozoa: II. Effects of seminal plasma and blood. Theriogenology 1992;37:373–381. doi: 10.1016/0093-691X(92)90195-W |
13. | Pan C, Wu Y, Yang Q, et al: Effects of seminal plasma concentration on sperm motility and plasma and acrosome membrane integrity in chilled canine spermatozoa. Pol J Vet Sci 2018;21:133–138. |
14. | Rijsselaere T, Van Soom A, Maes D, et al: Effect of centrifugation on in vitro survival of fresh diluted canine spermatozoa. Theriogenology 2002;57:1669–1681. doi: 10.1016/S0093-691X(02)00663-5 |
15. | Sugai N, Cecere J, Balogh O: Defining an optimal range of centrifugation parameters for canine semen processing Animals (Basel) 2023;13:1421. doi: 10.3390/ani13081421 |
16. | Sugai N, Cecere J, Balogh O: Comparing different sperm concentrations for cooled semen shipment in dogs Reprod Domest Anim 2023;58:184–198. |